Wednesday, 27 May 2009


These are the real workers...

Wonderful effort stuffing pledge letters.

delivering will be a challenge.

Monday, 25 May 2009


and let's go!

No mistaking our political affiliation, is there?

Strangely, the signs on Park Walk have attracted even more people than usual - townsfolk and tourists - who want to have a chat and look at the garden.

Off in a moment to start the evening's canvass.

Will probably be interrupting leisurely Bank Holiday barbecues this time...

I am so going to miss this all in ten days time.

Saturday, 23 May 2009


Well, you all know why there hasn't been any blogging from me recently.
It's been hard work taking abuse on the doorstep.
To misquote the then Sir Geoffrey Howe, I feel as if I'm on the 18th green, only to find that my putter has been stolen by the "Professionals" and I can't hole out.
I don't blame people for feeling sore.
The bleating self-justification that we've heard from certain MPs makes ME wonder what planet these soi-disant "Representatives" occupy.
Anyway - i'm still enjoying the campaign hugely.
Great to meet so many people, and who knows? we could still win this!
And talking of bats, (well - I did almost quote Lord Howe) here's a bit of light relief.
Must declare an interest of sorts: the inventor of the Mongoose Cricket Bat is my stepbrother!

Thursday, 7 May 2009


Had a great day with Don Collier, our Conservative European Parliamentary Candidate for the South West .
What a mouthful...
Introduced Don to the Shaftesbury Youth Project - Toby's - where Rosie Dawson told us about last year's visit to the European Parliament in Brussels and we discussed future funding.
We then went to the other end of the scale, and held an impromptu stump meeting at The Pavilions in St Martins Lane, one of Shaftesbury's sheltered housing complexes, organised for us by residents Jean Ellis and Yvonne Richardson.
The lively Q & A session ranged from Zimbabwe, border controls and Gibralter to local bus timetables, street cleaning and litter.
Very stimulating and the highlight of my campaign so far.
Huge thanks to Don - he'd be a brilliant operator in Brussels.
So fingers crossed for a huge vote.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


OK - Nomination Papers for County Council Candidate presented and accepted at Democratic Services in Blandford.
So - it's real.
I'm standing for election on behalf of The Conservative Party and votes will be cast on 4th June.
Feeling nervous and exhilarated at the same time.
Visiting Toby's Youth Project with MEP candidate Don Collier this afternoon.
Toby's raised enough funds last year to send a group of children on a visit to the European Parliament, so very interesting for both of us to hear about it.
More later after tonight's doorstepping...


Bob Walter MP and I visited concerned residents in the Knapp last Friday.
If it wasn't enough to have their safety threatened by speeding and dangerous driving with vehicles using Tout Hill as a short cut to the Town Centre; their houses shake violently every time a lorry passes.
During our meeting - very efficiently arranged by Sue Foreman - we actually heard this for ourselves.
Windows rattled repeatedly as every passing car rammed into low gear before launching into its steep climb up the hill.
As one of the residents said, "Many of the streets in Shaftesbury were built before the advent of the combustion engine; we feel unsafe and the very fabric of our homes is suffering."
The Council has promised to look at the problem - and promised - and promised.
I am sure that Bob's intervention will bring swift practical results and commonsense solutions.
Or will there have to be a serious accident in The Knapp before someone takes notice?
I sincerely hope not.

Monday, 4 May 2009


How lucky were we on Saturday for Shaftesbury's 5th Food Festival? Look at this pic of one of the stalls lining Park Walk!

Had a great time (in my Official Red T-Shirt) selling Bottle Tombola tickets - just a pound; WIN BEER, went down very well.

The tombola was in aid of Swans Trust, who give such huge support to so many great projects across Shaftesbury's annual calendar.

Was asked when the "pole dancing" was going to start!

Do hope that these people weren't too disappointed...

The MAYpole dancing was charming in its simplicity, accompanied by traditional Country music.

Tamara Essex, who organises the Festival, deserves every accolade for her tireless organisation, as does Charlie Turnbull for the Park Walk stalls.

More than one person noted that only Tamara could have got me to wear a RED t-shirt... & I'm back to true Tory Blue today

Anyway, it was great to see everyone enjoying a traffic-free High Street.

If I'm elected on 4th June, we'll look properly at the whole Shaftesbury traffic question.

And this time it will actually reflect what Shaftesbury people WANT.

Oh yes - my birthday...

fab relaxing day with lovely cards and pressies & lunch at Rushmore GC.

obviously NO CAKE as losing nicely at the moment. Don't want to ruin it!