How lucky were we on Saturday for Shaftesbury's 5th Food Festival? Look at this pic of one of the stalls lining Park Walk!
Had a great time (in my Official Red T-Shirt) selling Bottle Tombola tickets - just a pound; WIN BEER, went down very well.
The tombola was in aid of Swans Trust, who give such huge support to so many great projects across Shaftesbury's annual calendar.
Was asked when the "pole dancing" was going to start!
Do hope that these people weren't too disappointed...
The MAYpole dancing was charming in its simplicity, accompanied by traditional Country music.
Tamara Essex, who organises the Festival, deserves every accolade for her tireless organisation, as does Charlie Turnbull for the Park Walk stalls.
More than one person noted that only Tamara could have got me to wear a RED t-shirt... & I'm back to true Tory Blue today
Anyway, it was great to see everyone enjoying a traffic-free High Street.
If I'm elected on 4th June, we'll look properly at the whole Shaftesbury traffic question.
And this time it will actually reflect what Shaftesbury people WANT.
Oh yes - my birthday...
fab relaxing day with lovely cards and pressies & lunch at Rushmore GC.
obviously NO CAKE as losing nicely at the moment. Don't want to ruin it!