Sunday 10 January 2010


The Daily Telegraph prints an article today assuring me that I can still be attractive - despite being over 50.
Well, that's alright then.
Of course, the examples of this phenomenon are all (admittedly absolutely stunning) women who are in the public eye, and in several cases have "help" in keeping their youthful appearance.
And that's just it, isn't it?
This article implies that continued atractiveness depends on continued youth.
I accept that my appearance has changed since I was 35.
Not a question of better or worse - and certainly doesn't mean I have to ditch my jeans and chuck out my makeup. (or my premium range of skincare stuff.)
To me, getting older means having the experience and perspective to continue to fulfil my potential.
Can't find the item online - perhaps I'm too old to work the website.

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