Monday 28 December 2009


...well, according to Richard Dawkins - that's me - the Wrong Kind, that is.

I'm currently pinned down by (thankfully quite mild) tracheitis - slept for most of the last 24hours - then on surfacing, thought I'd listen to Start the Week. Themed on scientific topics today. Generally scholarly, thought-provoking and fascinating.

Professor Dawkins had been invited to discuss and comment on this year's Darwin anniversary, all fine and measured until he made one of his predictable side-swipes at Faith-based groups & their response to Darwin's theories - in this case, natural selection.

That's fine - the more freedom of speech and discussion - the better.

However, he made one extraordinary observation.

Apparently, when he talks to the "right kind" of Christian, eg. "Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals", they appear to be less antagonistic than others, ergo the "wrong kind".

Sorry, Professor Dawkins. I don't believe that our Maker (sorry, more fairytale nomenclature) differentiates between right and wrong kinds of Christians.

We enjoy different ways of expressing our faith; but one is not more valid nor important than another. However, the exercise of authority is another matter.

These "right kinds" of Christian occupy positions of authority, where they have to balance spiritual and political leadership. Their responses would, of necessity, be tempered by pragmatism and an understandable reluctance to become media targets.

Anyway, I am evidently the wrong kind of Christian for Professor Dawkins, believing 100% as I do in Divine Creation.

However, I would not be totally dogmatic in the belief that each of the seven "Days" of Creation was necessarily a 24 hour period.

But it could have been, couldn't it? We'll find out in good time.

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